Today Security Has New Meaning

Real-world security breaches can happen every day -- to big companies as well as small. As more and more sensitive data travels both secured and un-secured networks, your need for reliable security systems and practices increases.

That's why Syntaxsys is committed to providing you with the most comprehensive and innovative security/privacy solutions. And Syntaxsys is ready to respond with real-world expertise and solutions.

Syntaxsys uses a unique combination of security and privacy solutions that address people, processes, and technology to help solve your business problems.

Assessment -- We test your networks – LAN & WAN – to comprehensively identify network security vulnerabilities.

Analysis & Recommendations -- Based on our testing [and understanding of your business objectives], Syntaxsys creates tailored, solid, and lasting security, privacy and business strategies, policies, programs, architecture, and procedures to mitigate risks to critical assets.

Design and Implementation -- Comprehensive analysis translates into strategies that employ policies, technology and services that addresses know vulnerabilities and anticipated threats with solutions such as:

  •    Establishing Enterprise Security Policy Standards
  •    Remedial Security Maintenance
  •    Automatic Network Security Scanning & Alerts
  •    Firewalls
  •    Virtual Private Networks [VPNs]
  •    Intrusion Detection Systems
  •    Anti-Virus & Anti-Vandal Solutions
  •    Authentication Systems

Ongoing Services -- provide critical security and privacy expertise and staffing to support ongoing and ever-changing security and privacy needs.

For your front line of defense - turn to Syntaxsys.