Function & Productive

Syntaxsys is a company of seasoned professionals, from across the computer technology spectrum, focused on one primary objective:

"Making Computer Systems Work"

For Syntaxsys, the word "work" has multiple meaning: work as in "functioning" & work as in being "productive".

This simple objective of "Making Computer Systems Work" also embodies Syntaxsys’ philosophy of delivering innovative solutions and outstanding service.

It is a seemingly humble objective for a company that excels in the many complex and diverse disciplines of today’s high technology world.

Syntaxsys’ areas of expertise include

  •    IT Outsourcing
  •    Networking
  •    Internet/Intranet
  •    Office Automation
  •    Systems Integration
  •    Security & Privacy
  •    Pre-Press and Press Integration
  •    CRM Solutions

It’s a company that understands that computer systems serve the needs of companies and people... on an ever-growing level, with ever-increasing importance.

Computer systems have become mission critical components of most enterprises. These computer systems must work - without fail.

This company serves that need.